How to display thumbnail screens in Explorer.
I've got a couple of requests to add the ability to manage the screens in the Randomizer manually; this is, to be able to see the Randomizer screens once they are in the pool of images, and delete or move them. I've also gotten a couple of requests to display all the TGA screenshots in a folder in thumbnail mode, because Windows' Explorer does not display them.
This post is an answer to both requests. I won't add that functionality into Splasher because it's easy to achieve the same result by installing a small program called ThumbView Lite and immediately be able to see both the TGA screenshots and the DDS randomizer files in Explorer. It's free software (GPL) and very small (half a megabyte), and you can see the results immediately after installing it.
After installing ThumbView Lite, you can set the Open dialog box in Splasher to display thumbnails, and you'll be able to see your screenshots before Splasher opens them. And if you want to view what screens you have in the Randomizer and move or delete them, all you have to do is navigate to your City of Heroes game folder (as displayed in the Settings tab) and then enter the Splasher folder inside it. All the images are stored in DDS format inside, and ThumbView will display them just fine.
Labels: howto